Kamdish - definitie. Wat is Kamdish
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Wat (wie) is Kamdish - definitie

Kamdish ou Kamdesh (em pastó: کامدیش, Kāmdīsh) é uma aldeia localizada no vale de Bashgal, na província do Nuristão, Afeganistão. É a capital do distrito de Kamdesh.
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Kamdish
1. One is between the Kushtuz and Kamdish people from 12 years now.
2. Kamdish is exceptional because it is a border district with no border police and infiltration is easy.
3. With the issue of Kamdish and Kushtuz, with the help of UNAMA [United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan] we are very close to solving the dispute there.
4. "The militants abducted these people last week from Kamdish district of eastern Nuristan province and brutally beheaded them after the Taliban demand for ransom was not met by the families of the ill–fated men," said the press release.
5. We do not have a lot of local extremists in all parts of Nuristan, only in Kamdish – eastern Nuristan – and that is due to a lack of police and stronger government presence and that the district is bordering Pakistan.